Liquid Glucosamine For Dogs & Cats

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will no longer be able to offer this product on However, we are pleased to announce that …

Ultimate Essential Mineral Supplement For Pets

Here’s A Question You May Not Even Have Considered Before… …do you know whether your pets are getting all of the essential trace minerals and …® - Natural Remedies From The Earth

Welcome to®, the home of natural remedies from the earth!

Some Startling Statistics

Before we talk about why we created®, let’s start by looking at some very sobering statistics:

  • two-thirds of American adults are overweight
  • over a quarter of adults now fall into the obese category
  • one in four Americans is now diabetic or pre-diabetic
  • in the last 20 years, the number of Americans suffering from at least three chronic illnesses has almost doubled
  • life expectancy has decreased, while infant mortality has increased
  • illnesses once considered rare – like heart disease, stroke, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease – are now common
  • an “average” senior (i.e. 65 or older) adult living in the United States, fills more than 31 prescriptions per year, with those aged between 19 and 64 taking over 11 prescription drugs per year, while even children take an average of 4
  • half of all children in the US today (the most heavily-vaccinated children in the world, by the way) are chronically sick with allergies, asthma, learning disabilities, and other illnesses such as autism and epilepsy
  • prescription and over-the-counter drugs are now actually a leading cause of death in the country, resulting in more deaths than motor vehicle accidents
  • Americans spend twice as much on health care per capita than any other country in the world, but rank last among industrialized countries in terms of quality of care.

So What’s The Problem?

To a large degree, one word: chemicals!

Mankind today is being assaulted by chemicals wherever they turn, whether it be in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, or the drugs and vaccines we put into our bodies, blindly trusting the manufacturers who tell us they are both safe and effective.

The truth is, most, if not all, of these chemicals have a long list of potential side-effects, from the mildly irritating to the serious and even fatal (and many of them are not nearly as effective as the claims would have you believe).

With a society that has been brainwashed into popping pills for every conceivable “ailment”, and a medical profession that largely treats the body as a series of discrete components, there is zero focus on holistic health, but the truth is, we are made up of a highly-complex set of interlocking parts, so if you upset one system, there is almost always a knock-on effect that cause problems with other systems too.

It’s no wonder that, in spite of all the money that people spend on “health care” (which is really sick care), they are less healthy than ever – more cancer, more auto-immune diseases, more learning and developmental problems, and so on.

And this applies to both humans and animals. Yes, even our pets are not safe from this chemical onslaught.

The problem is, you may not notice any health issues immediately, but over time, their effects are cumulative, and may be worsened when they are ingested in combination with other chemicals. (Remember, many drugs have not been adequately tested in isolation – hence all the drug recalls of products that were originally deemed “safe” – but you can practically guarantee they have not been tested at all in combination with other drugs.)

So What’s The Solution?

Although it’s getting harder and harder to opt for natural foods and natural health products, thanks to increasingly-restrictive policies and laws, shunning all these chemicals really is the only way to stay healthy. (A sensible exercise regime helps too, of course, but that’s a subject for another day.)® is, therefore, our attempt to offer people such as yourself, who care about the well-being of both yourself and your pets, somewhere they can find natural solutions (e.g. herbal supplements) to a variety of health issues. We don’t believe in chemicals of any sort, and where possible, we try to go further than just being natural, we try to be organic too.

We practice what we preach, and we would never recommend anything to you if we weren’t prepared to use it ourselves.

This website has actually been around since 2006, but it is only recently that we decided to launch our own range of products.

We have plans for many other products too, which will be added to the following list as and when they are launched. (If you wish to be notified when they are available, or to receive other product news, healthy eating tips, occasional discount coupons and surprise free gifts, then please sign up for our Newsletter.)® Products

Liquid Glucosamine For Dogs & Cats Ultimate Essential Mineral Supplement For Pets
Liquid Glucosamine For Dogs & Cats Ultimate Essential Mineral Supplement For Pets



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